Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to Flaun’s FAQ page! We’re covering our most asked questions. We’ll answer all your top questions in the list below.

1. Do you ship worldwide?

Yes, we sure do.

2. How much does shipping cost?

Shipping within Australia is free, international shipping is express shipping at a flat rate fee of $10

3. Can I get a refund?

Yes, simply click the link

4. I lost my tracking number can get it resent?

of course, simply send us a email with your details and we can resend that to you.

5. How do I know what size I am?

our size chart will give you all the answers you need. We also recommend to read the descriptions as they will also give you an idea of how certain styles are cut and fitted.

6. I need to change my order, can I do that?

Yes, you just need to reach out to us immediately. Unfortunately if by chance we are unable to the returns policy will be put in place.

Didn't find what you were looking for? Feel free to contact us at any time!